Our Campaign's Purpose
The 71st District deserves leadership that shows up and advocates for the real issues affecting our people. Rachelle is a proven leader. She is a mom, small business owner, EKU graduate and a local activist who is not afraid to speak up for the concerns in her community. The 71st is Rachelle's home and her goal is to make it better for everyone. This is her platform and the issues she is committed to advocating for in Frankfort as your State Representative.
Community, Education, and the Economy
Rachelle believes in the heart of community. She believes that we are obligated to each other and although we each have our differences, we share many of the same needs and goals in our community. She is a problem solver who thinks outside of the box. Rachelle listens to the concerns of the people and has acted on behalf of those concerns as a voice in her community. She is dedicated to working on nonpartisan commonsense solutions for the needs of the 71st.
Education is Ms. Riddle's top priority. She is the mother of a teenager and volunteers in our local schools. As the daughter of retired Rockcastle County High School teachers, Rachelle understands not only the importance of public education but also the importance of access and funding to support elevating Kentucky schools.
As a small business owner, community activist, and single mother, Rachelle understands the importance of a strong economy making it possible for working people to have a sustainable existence. As a creative professional and independent thinker, she has ideas to create new revenue, provide for the needs of the district, and keep taxes low. She knows how to pay the bills and take care of business!

Infrastucture and the Role of Government
Rachelle shows up for the people. She is an active citizen who regularly attends city council meetings, board of education meetings, and is up to date on the concerns of the 71st District. As a business owner and citizen, Rachelle has advocated for the advancement of key government issues preventing growth in Rockcastle County; clean water and sewage capacity. Rachelle listens and communicates with our local representatives. She holds elected officials accountable through her activism and has brought awareness to issues that are important to the citizens of our community. Rachelle continued her education obtaining a BA in political science to more effectively advocate for the changes she would like to see in her home district. She is willing to work across party lines to resolve issues that affect every citizen in the 71st. Public servants like Rachelle are who we need in government.